共為你找到:200筆color from code 相關企業資訊
前身:羽日式髮行,創立於1995年09月19日,人員數10 1999年11月13遷移更名為COLOR髮型沙龍 2001年08月01開設COLOR二店(E-COLOR) 2010年04月08開設COLOR三店(FATHER)
我們重視每一位員工,提供良好的教育訓練與工作環境; 同時追求時尚,創造流行感; 並賦予秀髮高度的注視與映象感; 讓每一位客人彷彿都有著明星般的光環; 歡迎有興趣的朋友一起加入Color Match Hair Salon的工作行列
FACE COLOR特色染護專門店!主要從事專業染髮/護髮沙龍專門店;以工作伙伴為核心,培育人才利潤分享為良宗旨,讓每位客人擁專業並貼心的服務是本公司的經營理念。我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎想共創未來的朋友們一起加入FACE COLOR的工作行列。 提供永久保障底薪+抽成,公司提供客源,不強迫業績壓力。 來FACE COLOR特色染護專門店準沒錯! 電0931-119-111湯r經理
Z-COLOR致力於提供消費者專業時尚的美麗宗旨,滿足顧客需求提供不同的造型及以專業的技術展現出個人髮型獨特的風味。 以創意、時尚的髮型設計理念,並培育培訓成專業的美髮設計師人才。 歡迎有熱忱,開朗,有夢想的朋友加入我們, 共創更美好的未來!
CANON授權經銷商,請上公司網站:[email protected] 瀏覽
CSW INC. in Taiwan is a dedicated supplier in LED Components and LED Lighting. We are certified by ISO9001:2008 from TUV and invested by Tokyo Components which is a global enterprise and offer Total Component Solution since 1980. LED lighting is available in many different styles, types and color options and is ideal for bringing energy savings, maintenance savings and a simple lighting presence to many existing lighting applications such as street lighting, landscape lighting and residential areas lighting. CSW creates a qualitative and responsible light which can be adjusted at your wishes. You will find products that are suitable for the facade lighting of buildings, city beautification and landscaping projects. CSW offers the most competitive prices, constantly develops new products and has the strongest capability for offering new items in according to client’s requirements. Combining years of experience and manufacturing expertise, we are committed to provide the best customer service
Seagull Scientific is an USA Company founded in 1985. We are the developer of “BarTender,” a leading software application well known around the world for excellence in label printing, bar code generation, and RFID encoding. Our software is used both stand-alone and as an integrated component of large-scale supply chain management solutions based on platforms from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. Seagull is now approximately 90+ people Software Company worldwide. The Seagull Asia-Pacific Headquarter is the Taiwan branch, located in Taipei. It is one of three offices outside of the USA that have actively contributed to our steady long-term growth. Crucial to our success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work. So, Come Join The Team! This is truly an exciting time for us, but we definitely need to have the right people onboard to help us reach the next level. If you are a creative individual that enjoys the challenges of hard work in exchange for real opportunity and recognition for your efforts, please e-mail us your resume and cover letter for consideration. 美商海鷗科技創立於西元1985年,總公司位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖. 於1987年推出第一個標籤列印軟體 「BarTender」至今已翻譯完成20多種國際語言,銷售全世界. 亞太區域據點是於2004年成立. 就在臺灣! 加入我們! 激勵員工「勤奮」和「創造」,讓員工在職場上盡情發揮、成長和迅速提升責任感是我們的經營理念;我們提供您愉快、舒適的工作環境,歡迎熱誠、向上、個性開朗、以及有責任感的人士加入我們的行列。 流利的英文是我們必備的要求,如果您有興趣加入我們的行列, 請將您的英文履歷以電子郵件的方式寄給我們.
For the past twenty years, we have been entrusted by our clients worldwide, from the up-start brands to the most recognized beauty companies, to provide packaging solutions that deliver beauty and function. This trust is what fuels our focus and commitment to supply superior packaging that accentuates your product and promotes brand recognition. With our network of global RD, manufacturing, sourcing and logistics capabilities, we are able to offer a wide range of packaging solutions for treatment, color cosmetics, fragrance and ancillary products, tailored to meet any design and cost objectives.
Color Beyond Impression Concept Co., Ltd.,是由一個熱愛色彩與美感的設計師S所創立的公司,從沒有電腦的年代學廣告創意開始,創辦人深深為色彩著迷。 當大部分女生因為流行而採買化妝品時,S因為顏色的美好而買了很多口紅、眼影,她的母親曾經問:「若不使用為什麼要買呢?」;當大部分設計師穿著深黑色系來凸顯自己,S把其他顏色也穿搭到身上,不同的季節,用不同的色彩來表達心情。色彩對創辦人而言,就像生活中缺少不了空氣與水一樣。 與其說Color Beyond 是一家創意設計公司,不如說是一家形象顧問公司會更貼切,我們不會特別把自己界定在某個範圍內,我們做的就是外在觀感與內在感受合為一的"印象"工作,可能是一個新創企業的形象包裝定位,也可能是個人的色彩識別委託,就是就如同創意不是只有對設計師有用,也對普羅大眾日常的食衣住行有著深淺不一的影響。
企業簡介 業務範疇  產品、禮品設計  花布設計  布製家飾品設計生產  包袋飾品設計生產(布包類)  布品工藝創意教學  工藝材料批發,設計材料包出口外銷 The works of Cloth usually comes from daily life, use needle and yarn to knit the beauty of life. In the past, needlecraft used to be the main activity for female at home while male is out trying to bring food to the table. From weaving, crocheting, sewing, quilting, embroidery to embroidery, needlecraft includes a rather wide range. In ancient China it is a skill pass down from mother to daughter, from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law, therefore needlecraft is considered to be “mother’s art”. In the modern days, needlecraft expended to hand-dyeing, machine-sewing, and garmenting. B.G.D offers a series of workshops that combines traditional skills and contemporary designs, through these hand-on lessons bring the ancient art to life. These workshops not only exalt the skills and culture of needlecraft, but also advocate the idea of handmade quality products, make possible for the next generation to inherit the glory. Design concept Natural element Taiwan local culture Exotic culture element Apply of geometry patterns Design principle Focus on patterns and color matching Integrate fashion to accessories and supplies
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